I have desired spiritual growth for as long as I can remember(roughly 8 years). Although born in a Christian home, I knew I needed to have my own personal relationship with Jesus. Other youths around me talked about God and their relationship with Him and I wondered why I couldn’t relate. I held God in high esteem, attended church regularly, and participated in activities but something was missing. I was missing that “FATHER-CHILD” RELATIONSHIP with God. It sounded so strange when others called God Father. I too wanted to call Him Father with confidence. I knew I needed to grow and draw closer to God but HOW?
While I continued in my struggle something unexpected happened. I lost my dad(I’m a daddy’s girl) and that served as a catalyst to my growth. It was in my grieve that God made me understand that If I could relate with my earthly dad then I can relate with Him. My dad was just a representation of Him. I could relate with my dad because I knew him thus, to relate with Him(God) I needed to know Him too
In 2020, despite the pandemic, I made the intentional decision to grow. That decision led to the birth of this blog. As I was(and still) growing and getting to know God more, the Holy Spirit gave me the idea to start the blog in order to help others grow too. I don’t have all the answers but I know the One who does and as He teaches me I am here to share.

I am Micheala Yema Goba.A young lady full of smiles and I can’t start my day without a cup of tea. May I also mention that I do take long naps lol. I consider myself an ambivert and I’m all about JESUS. I studied nursing at the European University of Lefke, Northern Cyprus. I’m from Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Welcome to my blog(nope! our blog👌cus you, yes you, are part of this family now🤗)
This is a Christian Youth blog where I share my experiences, struggles, and thoughts(and that of others too). I create blog posts on Christian living and spiritual growth. I also, write faith articles, create faith quotes, share Christian resources, interview other Christian youth creatives, and many more. My sole aim is to help YOU(and I) grow and mature spiritually while at the same time enjoying our walk with Christ. I am here to inspire, strengthen, and encourage YOU.
The goal is to:
- Draw closer to God and experience the love of Christ
- Learn how to depend on the Holy Spirit totally
- Discover ourselves as we grow and mature
- Share our experiences and the lessons we have learned so far in this journey called life
- Spread the Gospel in our own little way, which is the most important.
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” are the things God has prepared for those who love him. 1Corinthians 2:9