Christian Living

15 Bad Habits That Hinders Personal Growth Of Christian Youth

Let’s talk about Bad habit! We’ve all been there – moments where we feel stuck, like we’re not living up to our full potential. As Christian youth, we strive to grow in our faith and character, but sometimes, those Bad habits get in the way. What if the very things you do daily are subtly blocking your path to personal growth? Probably those unseen habits of yours are creating unseen barriers. If this is you then don’t worry, you’re not alone! Let’s explore 15 common habits that can hinder personal growth.

1. Procrastination:

What is procrastination?
Procrastination is “the act of willfully delaying the doing of something that should be done. This bad habit of delaying task and postponing activities prevents you from doing things that need to be done at the time they ought to be done. Delaying tasks can impede your personal,spiritual and professional development by limiting your productivity and achievement. Overcoming procrastination involves intentionally setting clear goals and breaking them into smaller, manageable steps.

2.Bad habit number two is Negative Self-Talk:

You may or may not know this, but your words are powerful. The power of life and death lies in the tongue. Constantly criticizing yourself can erode your confidence and hinder the pursuit of goals.  Constant self-criticism or negative thoughts as tactics the devil use to impede the growth of young Christians. Those struggling with this bad habit should remember they are loved, beautiful and created in God’s image. Practice self-compassion and focus on positive affirmations to foster a healthier mindset. Cultivate a positive mindset for growth. Know who you are in Christ and speak it over yourself. E.g. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am complete in Christ, I am worthy of love etc.

Related Post: What does it truly mean to be loved by God

3. Lack of Boundaries

A person without boundaries is like a house without a fence, it’s a perfect prey for thieves. Failing to set healthy boundaries in relationships can lead to burnout and hinder personal development. You should Learn to communicate your needs and Say No when you don’t want to. Forgive wrongdoings but establish ground rules. Never compromise with sin just because you want to please others. Be a Christian youth with boundaries.

4. Prayerlessness

The surest means of communiction with God is prayer yet majority of young christians do not pray. Prayer is a spiritual discipline and it’s vital for growth. A christian youth who habitually misses prayer is making themselves vulnerable to attack. Satan is not your friend! He will do everything within his power to keep you away from the place of prayer. Make up your mind today to break free from this bad habit. Take little steps to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer


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5.Fear of Failure:

Let’s be honest, no one wants to fail. For the majority of us, we want an easy life. We want a soft life but Challenges are part of life too. Avoiding challenges due to a fear of failure can prevent the learning experiences necessary for personal growth and development. Fear can paralyse progress. Embrace failure as a part of the learning process and an opportunity for growth. Don’t let fear cripple you. Face your fear with the word of God.

6. The bad habit of constantly making Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices

The youthful phase is where choices are made and habits are formed. A young believer who is in the habit of Neglecting his/her physical health makes poor dietary choices, does not have an exercise routine, and spends hours on social media is treading on dangerous grounds. These bad habits give temporal pleasure but have a lasting negative impact.

7.Mindless Social Media Use:

I am guilty of this, I spend so much time on my phone without realizing it. Unfortunately, I am not alone. The majority of young people are glued to their phones. We spend hours consuming content that eats up our time. Excessive time spent on social media can be counterproductive. To get over this addiction you must Set limits and use your device purposefully. Allocate time for more meaningful activities.

8. Comparison

Constantly comparing yourself to others can breed discontent and hinder personal growth. Focus on your unique journey and celebrate your achievements. Always remember that you are unique.

9. Resistance To Change:

Change is constant. Refusing to adapt to new situations or learn from experiences can stunt personal growth. As a Christian youth, embrace change, see it as an opportunity for development and learning.

10. The bad habit of not setting clear goals

Your Failure to set clear, achievable goals can lead to aimless actions and a lack of direction in your personal and professional life.

11. Poor Time Management:

One of the deceptions of the devil is making young people believe that they have time. Time is a resource, when lost it’s difficult to redeem. Therefore, Inefficient use of time can lead to missed opportunities and hinder progress toward personal and professional goals.

12. Refusal to learn:

If you are fond of Refusing to embrace new ideas or learn new skills, you will experience stunted personal growth. Have a zeal for excellence!

13. The Comfort Zone:

Staying within one’s comfort zone can hinder growth by preventing exposure to new experiences and challenges. Embrace change for development.

14. No Bible Study Routine

The reality of who you are is found in the word of God. If you do not have a bible study routine you can easily be swayed by false teachers. Thus endeavor to study your bible.

15. Disrespectful to self and others

A Christian youth should be well-mannered and respectful. You must show respect to others both in speech and conduct.Remember that your life is an open epistle being read by many.


We all have habits that might hinder our growth.The key is to identify that bad habit and break free from it. If you are struggling with a bad habit,ask the Holy Spirit to help you out.

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About Author

Lover of Christ, Faith blogger, and admin of mickeygblogs.

(1) Comment

  1. Lily says:

    Thanks for this piece. God bless

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