“Did I sin or did I do something wrong?” That was the question I kept asking myself, I was in tears! I got home and I was like “this is it, I am not going to read my bible or pray.”I was disappointed, what I was expecting to happen at the camp did not happen. I even prayed for the sick but there was no manifestation. To make matters worse, I went for my own fellowship, and guess what? Only four people turn out. Nevertheless, the next day I went back to the camp and to my greatest surprise, there was jubilation everywhere. The people were so happy to see me. Questions upon questions—” is he married? How old are you? How long have you been in ministry? Are you working? How is life?” Etc. You see! The ministration I thought didn’t go well actually went well for them. I was asked to minister again which I did. After preaching I asked for a table which I stood upon. As I lifted up my hands there was an overflow of power, something I have never experienced before. Oh my!!!… I was shocked! This was me that didn’t pray, this was me that felt disappointed and was in tears the night before, and this is the same me in-fact something more than me happening. From that day on I understood that the race is not to the swift neither the battle to the strong, it’s God that showeth mercy. That was the most outstanding moment of my life.”

Samuel Kumi a.k.a. M.O.G is a Ghanaian based in The Gambia. He is the founder of the Accord prayer tower ministry which is an interdenominational ministry that brings youths together to intercede in the place of prayer. He also holds a degree in computer science from the University of The Gambia and he’s the CEO of PTB capitals. PTB capitals is a forex investment firm that aims at providing financial ease. He is also the presiding elder of the church of Pentecost Akan Assembly in the Gambia. You would all agree with me esteem readers that life is a journey. What is now, is not what was, so who exactly is Samuel Kumi?
“Samuel Kumi is a very simple guy. Let me put it this way: Samuel Kumi is a young man that has found grace in the sight of God. In 2008, I came to the Gambia, I was in grade eight by then. I gained admission into SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) but later transferred to Glory Baptist junior secondary school. I sat to my junior WAEC Exams and I was promoted to Glory Baptist senior secondary school. While in High School, I was in-charge of Scripture Union, computer club, and I was also the Head boy. After graduation, I worked as a teacher at Star preparatory School for a while then went to pursue my degree in Computer Science.”

“Yes, I faced challenges. I wasn’t raised in a ‘mum and dad’ environment. I lived with different relatives (and some pastors) and through that, I gained a lot of experience. These experiences shaped me and I gained wisdom from a lot of things. I have been bruised, treated very unfairly, and more but I count it all Joy. Due to my upbringing, I learned how to be independent at a very early age. This independence came with a price. I had to struggle to pay house rent and settle the bills. I had to fend for myself and there were sleepless nights but I thank God.
The greatest catastrophe that can ever happen to a man is to be in a situation and lack knowledge about the situation.
Life is a process and most times it wouldn’t be pleasant. No matter what comes your way, learn to discern the will of God concerning that particular situation. Throughout the years I have learned to be sensitive to the leading of God concerning my life. In as much as it’s not pleasant, God may be using it for my cushioning. When I look at my life I relate it with that of Joseph. He had a dream and he knew that no matter the struggles, God was with him so he was patient and trusted the process.
I was the church boy! Growing up I was always at church. However, I reached a point where I developed an interest in the supernatural. I believed that there was something bigger, something beyond the ordinary and that was my quest. Trying to satisfy my desire, I gained an interest in magic. Along the line, I had encounters with great men of God and my thinking/mindset was transformed. That was when I knew that in Christ you can experience the supernatural.
There is always an encounter and after that encounter comes transformation.
I was in grade 10(SSI) by then when I got this encounter. Apostle Claude of the Ark of change ministry (a.k.a Awake ministry) came for our Scripture Union(S.U)fellowship. While he was praying I experienced something new. I was never myself again! I started working on it. It was a burning desire. I kept praying and praying until I heard Him ask “ What do you want”? I told the Lord that I wanted the anointing and His response was “ you have it”. One night after my prayers I had a dream. In this dream, I saw an old man sitting on a stage. I started walking towards him. There was a staircase which I was climbing and at some point, I fell. The man on the stage took a white handkerchief and throw it where I was. He said ‘take your eyes’ and all of a sudden I was in another place. This time it was a white man who came to place a transparent jacket on me. As soon as he did I burst out in tongues. As I was speaking in tongues this man was interpreting it for me in English. I woke up and was instructed to preach at the S.U fellowship. I wasn’t the leader of S.U yet so I was wondering how I could preach. On my way to school, Fedrick who was the leader called me to lead the morning devotions. I was amazed, I knew God was at work. During the morning devotions as we were singing and praying we held hands, the lady who held my hand fell. I opened my eyes to see what was happening and the other person at my left fell too and was praying in tongues. The atmosphere changed and that was just the beginning.

After my encounter, I was transformed and a new me emerged. Life in the spirit became a lifestyle for me. Some of my friends and I started praying together. We would meet at Telewa Johnson’s house every Saturday. As young as we were, we would embark on dry fasting and pray for hours. While we were at it some of us said we should do it continually and that’s how the ACCORD PRAYER TOWER started
A ministry is not something you plan, it’s a movement that starts on its own. The moment you sit and draw a plan even before starting, it becomes an organization.
Apart from the Saturday meetings, we started doing the midnight calls. While some people were doing free lovers’ midnight calls, we were doing prayers. During one of the prayers the Lord said to me, ‘you see what you are doing, I want it to continue’ The next day one of my friends called saying the same thing and that was a confirmation. That’s why Accord is a prayer ministry. The name Accord came to me one day when I was led to check the bible concordance. Under the “A” section I saw ACCORD and the scripture was PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11. All these happened in 2011 and Accord is expanding.

Challenges in the ministry
The ministry started when I was still in High school. It wasn’t really easy for me. My parents were against it big time. They said I wasn’t serious anymore with my school. I wasn’t paying attention etc. As the Head boy of my school, I didn’t come out with very good results and that didn’t go down well with my family. The persecution started! Every day they would say, ‘stop all this you’re doing, and focus on your books. These pastors don’t have jobs, they are suffering, etc so focus on your books’. Most nights I would jump the fence to go attend all-night prayers, the passion was too much. I refused to give up and today I am the presiding elder of my church and I am overseeing my parents.

I am someone that doesn’t give up easily. If I develop an interest in something, I take my time to learn it. Once I know all the facts I apply them.
The Importance of planning
I am a planner, l love to plan, Jesus said any man that’s going to build a tower must first sit and calculate the cost least when he starts building and he’s not able to finish it, his enemies will laugh at him. Set goals and work towards them. Don’t use ‘God will provide” as an excuse for laziness. Draft your plans! If you get a million dollars today and didn’t have a plan, you will waste the money. If you receive a blessing today or anointing and you have not been planning for it, you will waste it. In your moments of persecutions, you don’t give in to self-pity and be all sorrowful. What you are to do is PLAN so that when you get another resource you use it wisely.
moments of trouble are not meant for crying, it’s for planning
Pray, Trade and Blow (PTB) capitals

I used to take stocks and repair computers of supermarkets in the Gambia. Anytime I got my pay from these markets, I didn’t know how to maximize it. So a prophet friend of mine called prophet Francis came to The Gambia with Majid Micheal. They wanted to set up a company that people could invest in. Unfortunately, they went back so my friends and I picked up the idea, worked on it, and now PTB is up and running. PTB started in August 2019 and we are growing. The only challenge I have is creating balance. It’s not easy balancing church, Accord, and the company, but I am working on it. God has given me the grace to handle it. For now, what I do to create balance is to delegate some of my duties to trusted friends. In the next five years, I envision PTB empowering 3000-5000 youths who could be financially independent. We also want to be the firm to help big co-operations manage their funds, help churches financially, teach people how to trade, and more. We are taking over!
The greatest legacy you can leave is writing your name on the hearts of people through your service to them
People Who Impacted My Life
- Pastor Ransford Ade my spiritual father,
- Apostle Claude and Prophet Francis impacted me spiritually.
- In the business world, I have men like Mr. Adolf and Mr. Gabriel. These are people that have helped me
Final Words
It doesn’t matter what you’re facing, it’s not the end. You may not have it the way you want it to be but your anchor is in the Lord. Be open-minded, stay on course, and don’t you dare give up. Better is the end of everything!!!!
Powerful Story!
Great work done
Keep it up
More grace and anointing