My struggle with depression started years back when I was battling with some serious health issues. This limited me from doing the things I wanted to do. I wanted to be like every other person but I could not and this affected me badly. Slowly, I started falling into a state of depression.
Depression was my friend and the only one that had my back. I never felt loved and wanted by my immediate family. Everyone saw me as a failure, one that could not amount to anything. While Others said I was a disgrace to my kind because of my previous missteps.
The only friends I had were those that smoked and drank with me. We were always together because we had so much in common. We spent most of our days abusing these drugs. I only knew God on Sundays. Although we spoke much about Him, I had no knowledge of His Word.
Most of the nights, I would use codeine and other drugs to help me sleep. This continued until the day my dad told me he was going to give me another chance. I was willing to do anything to prove to him that I could change. I truly desired change but I did not know-how. In the summer of 2016, I left for school. I left behind my friends and family, I carried a box of depression and a kit full of health issues.
What Is Depression?
According to the American psychiatric association, depression is a common and serious medical illness. It can negatively affect how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. Major symptoms are feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. This leads to a variety of emotional and physical problems. These problems can decrease a person’s ability to function in place of work and at home.
Other symptoms of depression range from physical to cognitive and some of these symptoms are noticeable. For example, a sudden change in appetite which could lead to weight loss or weight gain, trouble sleeping or sleeping more than usual, energy loss or increased fatigue, slowed speech and movement which is easily seen by others, feeling worthless or guilty or feeling of not wanted in an environment, difficulty in decision making or concentrating or thinking and thoughts of death or contemplating suicide.
Depression comes anytime in a person’s life ranging from teenage life to adulthood. Though studies show that women are more likely to suffer from depression than men. 1/3 of women will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime.
There are many things that could cause depression which maybe
- Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
- Certain medications such as isotretinoin used to treat acne, antiviral drug interferon-alpha, etc
- Conflicts(personal) with friends or family members
- Death or loss of a loved one may naturally increase the risk of depression
- Genetics which is not simple and straight like other disorders have complex traits
- Events in a person’s life such as starting a new job, graduating, getting married, leaving an environment, losing a job or income, getting divorced, retiring, etc
- Personal problems like isolation due to other mental illnesses, being cast out of a family or social group
- Serious illnesses could trigger depression
- Substance abuse patients suffer depression, drugs and alcohol will only make one feel good for a moment but will cause depression
There are two main ways of treating depression and they are administering antidepressant medicine and psychotherapy which is talk therapy with patients.
How I overcame my depression.
In 2016, I arrived in North Cyprus and was welcomed by the late summer breeze. I met new friends that shared the same values as me. Just like my old friends, we only spoke about God on Sundays. As the days went by, my friendship meter took a new turn.
I met new friends that spoke about good morals and they always tagged God along in our daily conversations. There were days that I craved a drink/smoke. The urge was there! It was not easy but God thought me a way to fight it. When I could not sleep or do anything, instead of letting negativity run my mind, I would pick up the bible and just read any chapter of the bible.
With constant gospel music and messages, my life was heading in a new direction and I started becoming closer to Jesus Christ. However, that feeling of depression was still there. Prayer after prayer was rendered on my behalf by friends who were like my family. God revealed Himself more and more though not by my power by The Holy Spirit.
Another thing I did was to join the choir and drama unit in my fellowship. It was there that I realized I could write poems. I did some poetry work but my first set of works was all depressing… lol! With time God used my newly found family to remodel my life and my thoughts. My perception changed and I started to apply the word of God in my daily life.
I spoke back to thoughts that did not reveal the truth about me with the Word of God. Little by little I started seeing change. My bad habits dropped and the old luggage I came with was now empty. The Holy Bible says the Joy of The Lord is my strength, the thoughts I have for You are of good and not of evil, and My Grace is sufficient for you. I came to realize that God ordained me a prophet and He knew me before I was even formed. He loves me way too much that He came down as Christ to die and set me free from sin and bondage.
He said I should approach His Throne of Grace to obtain mercy that will be of my help in times of trouble. I came to the realization that He is my guide and my shield and He was never ashamed of me and always wanted to hear my voice. He said He would not leave me an orphan but send The Holy Ghost(The Comforter, The Advocate, The Intercessor, The Counselor, The Strengthener) to guide me into all Truth and teach me everything. Those words encouraged me and with time I accepted those truths and now am walking in them.
How To Deal With Depression.
Firstly, we should know and understand that depression although a mental condition is not of God but from the devil. His aim is to steal the joy of our salvation and strategically devise means through events as we journey through life.
We should as well know that as long as we are in this world, the word of God in us would be tried through the storm, fire, and flood but the word of the Lord says:
Isaiah 59:19KJV “ So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” 1 Peter 5:7KJV “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” and Psalms 34:18 says “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
Just as Christ Jesus our Savior on His time on earth passed through challenges, trials, and temptation, He overcame the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. He actually experienced pain, hunger, He cried, He felt tired, He even reached a point of giving up, He felt forsaken by His Father. Although He was consumed by the suffering He was going through, He trusted the words that were spoken by the prophets through the power of The Holy Ghost. His strength was always drawn from The Word of God and therefore did not trust in His flesh. He was always in constant communication with The Father through prayers and renewing His mind. He knew, believed, and applied the Word. Although He was the Word Himself, He did not let emotions lead Him but allowed The Will of God to be done.
Jesus Christ went through the world in flesh and overcame the flesh and all the world’s devices and still fulfilled purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, He laid a foundation for us and we can pass through this world’s ups and downs, obstacles, and fulfil our God-given purposes through The Power Of The Holy Spirit at work in us. God wants us to rely on Him completely and surrender our all to Him. It is a process but God is too faithful to let us go. He wants us to succeed and have a good life free from fear, depression, and sickness. He gives Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding of His Word by unveiling and putting His Kingdom in us.
Some major keys that helped me through
- Repentance
- Having the Holy Spirit Of God
- Seeking His Kingdom
- Prayers
- Studying The Bible
- Walking In accordance to His Will
- Applying The Word daily
- Surrounding myself with Believers that sharpened me
- Spending quality time with God
- Constant renewal of my mind with Gods Word

He also has an IG page called CephasOniso90 where he posts spirit-filled content that would uplift your soul and make your day!

Follow His page for Spirit-filled content.
Great master piece.
Thanks for sharing your testimony Mr Mibueneni Mason Unuke, more strength to you.
More wisdom, skills and revelation mickeygblogs.
Inspiring😊🤗… thank you for this mickey
thank you for reading!
This is so encouraging, I pray for grace and upliftment, to the writer of this article.thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading Hadassah