There is a common practice among some Christians(evangelical Christians especially in Africa). It’s called “testimony Time”. This is a segment of the service where congregation members are encouraged to share their testimonies. Before I dive in and answer the question “should Christian Youths Share Their testimony”, let’s first define testimony.
What is Testimony and who is a testifier?
In law, testimony is evidence obtained from a witness mostly referred to as the testifier. Just as in law, the believer is a witness and his\her story is evidence of the goodness and faithfulness of God in their lives. When a Christian shares his/her testimony, they are either talking about their conversion story(how they came to Christ and how they are growing) or sharing specific events in their lives where God did something.
This testimony is mostly shared during midweek services, Bible studies, house fellowships or even during the main Sunday services.
Should Christian Youths Share Their Testimony?

As a youth myself, I will give you a very straightforward reply. The answer is a simple YES. All believers, the youths included, should cultivate the habit of sharing their testimonies. If you don’t know why you should, here are some reasons:
1. Because God says you should:
In Mark 5:19, after Jesus had cast out the demons from the man, He instructed him to go back to his people and tell them how God had shown him compassion. Jesus was simply instructing the man to share his testimony.
Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19
Your testimony serves as a remembrance. It reminds you of who God is and what he can do through you, with you and for you. This is why God desires that you share your testimony because as a witness your story is valid.
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Deutronomy 4:9
2. Your story is unique and it’s yours:
Sadly, we live in a world where people want proof. If you tell them God is Good they will argue with you and demand proof. But if you have experienced the goodness of God on a very personal level no one, absolutely no one, can tell you otherwise. Your life, the ups and downs and the various ways God came through for you is your story and it’s uniquely yours. So when you share your testimony, you are sharing your story. However, I must add this very important point. Although it’s your story, the focus is Jesus. Your testimony is about God and the various ways He worked through you and your situations to reveal His glory. So when you do share, bear in mind that it’s His power working through you to produce an amazing story worth sharing.
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6 Benefits Of Sharing Your Testimony.

1. It Brings Glory To God
Whenever you tell others about God, His nature and His amazing love towards you and members of your household you are giving God glory. It doesn’t matter what your story is, it could be that of a rebellious son/daughter who wandered away but Abba’s love brought you back. Yours could be that of a student who was so worried about her fees but Abba came through and provided. Your testimony could even be as simple as thanking God for waking you up. Regardless of how huge or small, one thing is for sure, when you share you are expressing your gratitude and You are making Him known. You are telling the listener that your God has the power to save. Listen, if you were once a messed up teenager, an addict or a rebellious youth and God saved you, there’s no need to feel ashamed. Your story is worth sharing.
“Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.” Psalms 149:1
2. It Strengthens Your Faith:
In as much as faith comes by hearing the word of God(Romans 10:17), another sure way to strengthen your faith is through your testimony. Remember that this is your personal experience and it is very powerful. When you take out time and just ponder on how God saved you, how He gave you a name and identity, how He washed you in His blood and has never left your side. These can strengthen your faith, especially in seasons where you are waiting or going through hardship. Just knowing that the God who did it then can still do it again is another kind of assurance that hits different.

3. It Encourages Other Believers:
Your testimony doesn’t just benefit you, it also benefits those around you. When you testify, you are also encouraging another believer that may be going through difficult times. The number of times I have shed tears after listening to a brother/sister in faith share their testimony is countless. I look at their lives and all they have been through and yet they come out testifying. If I were to go through half of what they went through I probably would have given up.
The most beautiful thing is the fruit they develop and the person they become in the process. This always serves as an encouragement to me. Most times we are so caught up in our own little lives that we end up thinking that we are the only ones facing hardship. But when you hear someone else talk about what they are going through, you realise that you are not alone. Just knowing that we are all in this together encourages many to press on and keep running the race set before them. Don’t hold back your testimony, your story may be the motivation a brother/sister needs to hold on and keep trusting God.
4. It Creates Transparency And Promotes Togetherness In The Church
It is said that Christians are one of the most hypocritical people on the face of the earth. I don’t know how true that is but whoever came up with that hypothesis probably found themselves among believers who were not willing to be transparent. Even in this kingdom, we face difficulties. Some of us are battling with an old habit that is difficult to break while others are fighting generational curses. We all have our own personal struggles and when we talk about them we create this space that allows us to be truthful to one another and seek help.
There is nothing wrong in letting another Christian know that you who now pray for 4 hours used to struggle to even pray for 40seconds. Let them know that you once had anger issues even after accepting Jesus. Share your struggle and how God helped you. By so doing, the other brother/sister will not feel like something is wrong with them because they are not as perfect as those they see in Church. While some may feel that it’s wrong to talk about your struggle remember “you are not glorifying the struggle. You are glorifying the God who saw you through the struggle”. I hope this makes sense
5. It Demonstrates God’s Power, Ability And Love
Your life as a Christian youth is a testimony. Paul said we are open books being read(2 Corinthians 3:2-3). Our lives showcase the power and love of God. So as you grow, learn, and live life, be rest assured that you will face tough times. But know that all these are happening for your Good. Abba is using most of these challenges to groom you into the person He created you to be. While you go through the fire if led to share your testimony please do. Gladly do so because through you God is demonstrating his love.
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
6. Your Testimony Is Your Weapon:
I will conclude with this “Your testimony is your weapon”. We have an enemy y’all. The devil does not relent to plant doubts, fear, and anxiety in the heart of believers. The only weapon you have against Him is the word(Jesus) and your testimony. Remember, the only way we overcome him(satan) is by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony(Revelation 12:11)
Dearest reader, You are a witness to the saving power of the blood of Jesus and the Love of God. You have tested and seen that Jehovah is good. Now go tell others. Share your experience. Don’t be afraid! Let men know that the God you serve is good and he is still doing miracles.
Feel free to drop a comment, and share your thought with me.
Also if this article was helpful please share it with loved ones. God bless you
Manifold grace, wisdom, knowledge, and skills upon you ma. Indeed our testimonies go beyond what we can imagine impacting us, others and bringing glory to GOD