“Really, I should just step out in faith and start😮? Nah fam, I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say. I just can’t do this! What if I fail, what if I sound dumb or look stupid, what if they laugh at me. I’m not knowledgeable or good enough plus I lack the technical know-how”
The above monologue was my reaction when God gave me the idea to expand the blog and start a youtube channel. I gave so many excuses and plenty of reasons why I’m not the right fit for the job.
One morning I asked myself, “Micheala, what exactly is stopping you from starting? After a few minutes of self-reflection, I concluded that I was afraid. It was the fear of failing, standing in front of the camera, the fear of people’s opinions etc.
Like me, you might have this fantastic idea from God and truly desire to start, but you are somehow afraid. You have all these negative voices in your head causing you to procrastinate. But listen, I have come to realize that F.E.A.R. is just a four-lettered word yet its impact is felt by many. It’s said to be a basic human emotion programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. Some believe it’s very natural and helpful in some situations. It can trigger your sympathetic nervous system and send you into fight or flight mode.
But to be honest, you and I know that alot of ideas,dreams and aspirations never manifested because of fear.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2Timothy 1:7
Although Fear is a human emotion and it’s ok to be afraid. However, extreme fear that paralyses an individual preventing them from doing anything is a spirit. A spirit that has no place in a believer’s life! It’s not God’s desire that we live in fear, all through scriptures we see constant reminders to FEAR NOT. The only cure to such a fear is faith.
To step out in faith is to move out of your comfort zone and dare to do things differently. It is also taking a risk for God and try out something new.
To step out in faith is also following God’s instructions although it makes no sense to your human mind( eg Joshua and the wall of Jericho)
For we live by faith, not by sight. 2Corinthians 5:7
No two individuals are the same and God speaks to us differently. The best way to know if God is calling you to step out in faith is to know how God speaks to you. However, here are a few tips from me:
- Awareness: This is where you become more concious of an already existing problem and somehow you feel strongly that you can be of help. (E.g) you realise lately you’ve become so concerned about orphans.You know there are orphans,you’ve met a few but that’s it.You really don’t pay much attention.But lately, you just feel drawn towards them,you wish to help and you find yourself thinking of ways to help.That there could be a sign that God is calling you to step out in faith and serve those kids without earthly parents(I hope this is a good enough example)
- Through His word: God speaks to us via scripture,the Holy Spirit can bring a scripture to heart and it keeps coming back and back and back.
- Through Men: God can pass through men of God,friends or family who could point out something and suggest you look into it.(Eg) your friend might say “hey you are really good at encouraging,I feel you could be a good encourager.Why not start an encouragement blog or reach out to a few of my friends going through stuff”
That being said, how do you push past your fears and step out in faith?

1.Denounce The Spirit of Fear:
Denounce the spirit of Fear, it has no place in your life. How? By praying and using scripture.
2.Write It Down:
Write down your God-given ideas. Don’t underestimate the power of writing things down. A short pen they say is better than a long memory. There’s no harm in you writing your ideas down.
Pray about it and listen for instructions. When God gives an idea and tells you to step out in faith, He tells you how to do it and shows you how to do it.
4.Seek Godly Advice:
There are those who have gone ahead of you. These are the ones with the experience. Look for such an individual and learn from them. If it’s possible, draw near to them and ask them questions, build a relationship with them and ask them to mentor you.
Make a move, take a simple daily step towards that goal. Write that book, start that business, enrol in that class. Trust God and take the first step.
6.Speak Words of affirmations:
Daily speak words of affirmations over your life (e.g) I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, I am wise because I have the mind of Christ, I am not shy, the Holy Spirit gives me boldness etc

7.Trust and Obey:
Trust God to direct your steps as you move along. This is a journey and trust me, there will be a lot of bumps along the road. However, do not lose heart. Trust God to see you through.
8.Constantly Remind yourself why you started:
There is always a ”why” for anything. Once you know ”your why” keep moving. When it gets tough and you feel like quitting, remind yourself why you started in the first place. Is there a problem God has given you the solution to? Imagine what will happen if you stopped, just imagine.
9.Take breaks but don’t quit:
When the going gets tough, keep pushing. Take breaks if need be but don’t give up.
10.Depend On The Holy Spirit:
This is the most important of all the tips. The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of any believer cannot be overemphasised. He is the one that empowers and equips you to step out in faith. Depend on him.
This post is an encouragement to all those called out to start something for God. If God has given you an idea, a ministry, a business, a call but you are yet to start. You keep procrastinating and you are so terrified to make a move. I say to you today, step out in faith in Jesus name. You can do this!
What does stepping out in faith mean to you? Have you ever stepped out in faith and did something you never thought you could do. Please share in the comments.
I was featured in a magazine by Creative Writers Crew where I shared my experience on Fear. Check it out HERE

Stepping Out In Faith Interview
Stepping out in faith is to dare yourself to do what GOD had asked you to do in spite the realities of challenges.
I never thought I could do well in academics. growing up in my primary school days I have once taken position 32/33 but I kept trying my best to study and by the time I was in primary 6/grade 12 the story changed I started performing well.
Thank you ma for sharing, more wisdom, skills and divine revelation