Their Story



Ever left home at an early age? If yes,what was it like?

“In 2005, after completing my primary level of education, I left my parents to go study in Ghana. It was a whole new experience, one that was different. Moving into a new environment alone is very scary. The school environment I found myself in was not really what I was accustomed to. Settling in was a challenge especially for someone like me-“the timid boy” The good thing was that I had good friends, I bless God for that.

One feature of a timid person is his/her inability to communicate and express their feelings. During those days, my parents would call and ask if I needed anything. Guess what? I would say no. Truth be told I didn’t know how to answer., I was lacking basic things which I needed badly but somehow I didn’t know how to say it. Overcoming this shyness was a struggle and one of my biggest challenges. I can remember vividly those days I wore slippers to church. There was once a kid walked up to me and said “why are you always wearing this shirt? you always wearing this one shirt.” It was that bad! I really felt terrible that day. I kept wondering if this was really me, was that how I was raised. I had this friend called David Jackson, when it was time for evening service and I was in slippers, David would go change and wear slippers so I won’t feel bad.”chalay It was that serious!”

My time in Ghana thought me that life doesn’t always go as plan. nevertheless, keep working on yourself, upgrade yourself. Endure and you would come out victorious. This experience of mine has given me the ability to identify someone in need and help them. I know how it feels to be hungry, I have been there.

Born on the 5th of September, Benjamin Buckey is the 2 born among 3 children. He grew up in the Gambia where he completed his primary education then moved to Ghana for his secondary education. He is a Ghanian based in The Gambia. He is a minister of the gospel, award-winning gospel artiste, and bass guitarist. He also studied building construction.He is a music teacher, imparting knowledge and teaching children the beauty of music. He is the music director of the Assemblies of God church, Gambia choir(open heavens choir)

“music has always been part of me. My dad wanted me to be a professional musician so he hired a piano teacher. As early as 9 years of age I started playing the piano with Mr. Grey who happened to be my teacher. In Ghana, I joined the Methodist junior choir then later the Assemblies of God choir. My friends were instrumentalist so all these built my interest in music. I didn’t study music in school but the love for it was there. So I dedicated time working on my skills. In 2015 when I returned to the Gambia, I was asked to participate in a singing competition called “the morning star”. I said No at first, I didn’t want to compete. The organizers of the show called me and encouraged me to participate. I did and I won. That was just the beginning! In 2018 I won the album of the year and the best male vocalist of the year by wave plus promotion. I could not have done anything on my own, the Holy Spirit is my greatest inspiration. The first thing I do when He drops a song is to record it on my phone then later polish it in the studio. My new favorite song is “you are God”, it is one of my new singles that would be out soon.

It’s bad to settle for less.this mindset keeps me going. strive for more,look beyond just you and your family. Desire to be the best for people who you may come in contact with, make them experience you. you are not ordinary, you got Christ in you which is the hope of glory

“BASS club 360 was birthed from my experience. The whole motive behind it is to help people in need, help them be the best, and a blessing to all. What we do is teach people vocals, piano, and bass guitar. I want to touch lives and impact generations. In this life we live, strive to be of great influence, and impact people’s lives. If you leave this planet without impacting someone, what then was the use of your coming? Apart from letting people know Christ, you have to physically show them Christ. People need to know, they need to experience him.if you see someone without a shoe, buy them one! Don’t  just say “God will provide for them, they will overcome”

The people who have impacted my life played vital roles in me becoming the person I am today. My parents impacted me the most. They pushed me to be the best in all I do


“some dey inside small oo” I’m still shy but I’m work in progress. The Holy Spirit is helping me out. I also have a motivator-Dan Lok. He is one of the financial gurus but he was also a shy person. If you are struggling with timidity, ask God to help you. He hasn’t given you a spirit of fear. Also, develop communication skills, it will help a great deal. I remembered the first time I ministered at church, after the ministration I was amazed at myself. Before that, the holy spirit kept telling me “it’s left with just three weeks”.I didn’t understand but in the third week was when I ministered alone for the first time. That marked the beginning and since then I have been singing

The people you look up to make you!get a mentor, one that would ignite your spirit to do something


I have a hidden passion.its for haircut! It is strange right? I am just fascinated about it, in fact, I do my own haircut. I wish to make it big, maybe open a barbing salon. Barbing is a talent that’s not regarded by many especially in Africa but it’s a skill. It makes people feel good and that’s a good thing.


My mum was my biggest fan and a pillar. Those days when I would go for my studio sessions, she would stay up late waiting for me. She won’t sleep until I got home. Losing her, to be honest, wasn’t easy. Her death was a shock and it came at a time when I had to shoot my first music video( It looked like a mirage. This can affect someone deeply. If you have lost a loved one, just trust God to see you through. Don’t let it weigh you down. It is difficult but push and press on. Don’t isolate yourself. keep doing the things you usually do. In my case, I went to shot my music video

About Author

Lover of Christ, Faith blogger, and admin of mickeygblogs.

(8) Comments

  1. Grace Araba Amonoo says:

    Waw, great
    Very inspiring
    God richly bless you Ma’am

    1. admin says:


      1. Esther says:

        Great write up, you have been through a lot brother Ben, but Faithful is HE who has called you, keep at what you are already doing and victory will keep being your song…🏅🥇🥈🥉🏆

        1. admin says:

          Thank you for reading Esther

  2. Henry M Kpogo says:

    Wow!!! Good job, Bless you, Micheala.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for reading SIR

  3. Meshack Ishaya says:

    Great one Mr Benjamin, may GOD continue to strengthen you, Amen!!
    More wisdom, skills and revelation mickeygblogs, Amen!!!

    1. admin says:


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