Their Story


arnold music

There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with being the firstborn. I’m expected to be a good example for my younger brother. It was tough but, it propelled me to do more.To be the best and achieved things early. I also had to draw closer and depend on God.

arnold at a studio
Get the lyrics to Arnold’s songs HERE

Born on the 8th of October in Freetown, Sierra Leone; Arnold Keyilla Fofanah is a worshipper, witness of Jesus and a preacher. He is also a gospel minister, worship leader and vocal coach.

Life Growing up

Growing up in Freetown wasn’t that much of a challenge. The environment was conducive. I was raised by my grandma who groomed me and taught me the ways of the lord and my mum. My dad wasn’t 100% involved in my life thus leaving my mum to fill in the gap.

It wasn’t easy for her! I watched her do little side business here and there to bear the financial burden of the family. Nonetheless, she gave me the best. I went to the best schools and ended up in the best university (University of Sierra Leone, Fourah bay college) where I bagged a degree in mechanical engineering.

Arnold K fofanah

It’s one thing to be gifted/talented and it’s another to be empowered. Because I’m talented in music, I can do certain things effortlessly. However, education empowered me to think logically. It empowered me to think beyond the surface and the various stress/disappointments prepared me for the real world. Regardless of your talents, it’s important you add education to them.

It’s one thing to be gifted/talented and it’s another to be empowered.


My university experience was not the best but it taught me a lot. It taught me to be responsible, it propelled me to be in the position wherein I’m able to relate with people and handle difficult situations.

Regardless of your talents, it’s important you add education to them.


Where music won’t take me, engineering will. Engineering has opened my eyes to a lot of things for instance, how to deal with difficult people, how to overcome peer pressure in the university etc.

My engineering knowledge can also create a platform for me to share my music with a certain audience.

As believers, we are not of this world but we are in this world thus it’s important to be educated. It empowers you to have a say and speak up in certain environments among certain individuals.

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Balance is key!

We all have different ways of handling things but the most important is knowing how to prioritize. For me, understanding the vision of my priority and what comes first is how I’m able to balance. With regards to music, I understood the vision of my singing and the prophecies concerning it. I didn’t joke or play with it but I also didn’t take my education for granted. I knew I had to study in order to pass my exams.

Whenever I was on exams, I cut down on some of my musical activities and studied. That’s how I was able to balance music and school.

arnold before music
A throwback pic

My advice to you reading is to do what best works for you. If you don’t have the capacity to balance school and whatever gifts you have; I suggest you take it one at a time.

I’m not saying you ignore it totally but, it can be on a low. While at school, you can use that period as preparation, after graduation you would be fully equipped to function fully in your gifting.

A lot of people don’t spend enough time preparing. They want to rush the spotlight.

Discovering my purpose/calling in Music

My calling is different from my gift. One can be gifted in a certain area but may not know or understand what to do with the gift. For instance, you may be gifted with a nice voice. i.e you can sing but what are you to use the voice for. Is it to entertain, inspire or lead people into the presence of God?

I knew I was gifted in music. Although I could sing and I was singing, I was even in the church, I released few singles and was “popular” but I honestly did not know God. I knew my gifting but I did not know my calling.

After a while I noticed something, God began working on me. He started pruning me. First, He removed the competitive mindset. Before, it was who sings the best, who has more ministration, who gets the people’s attention etc. But now it’s all about His kingdom.

Then He gradually began to open my eyes to the area of my calling. I began to understand per scripture and prayer and was convicted that I’ve been called into worship ministry. I got the confirmation and I stayed and grew in my calling.

Arnold ministering
Ministering: Arnold K Fofanah
Music to me is an assignment, given to me by God to resound His heart. It’s an amplifier of what I hear from the heart of God by the Spirit to the nations.

Challenges I faced In Music

  • Coming up, due to my ignorance, I fell prey to the “other gender” Dealing with women was a challenge but as I groomed myself and become grounded in the word, everything changed
  • No’s from people who told me that I was too young to do what I’m called to do and the backlashes were also a challenge
  • Finances to do some projects and get stuff out there too has been a challenge

Understanding my purpose and calling with all the experiences gained helped me to overcome the challenges.

“Your stage is between you and God, what you do in front of people is just an overflow”

In the years to come, I see the Sierra Leone gospel industry growing massively. There’s going to be an explosion of grace and fire


Being a follower of Christ is one of my greatest achievements. It’s in Him I’m able to achieve all I do. To the glory of God, my team and I have won fifteen(15) awards which I don’t take for granted. The people I have met and connections made are all achievements.

Arnold making music unto the Lord
 The Holy Spirit is my biggest inspiration. Apart from Him, there is this intense hunger I have to see my generation burn for Christ. To see us seek God and take the things of God seriously

Life so far

Life has taught me to be kind, have references for other people’s feelings, understand the meaning of giving and living a life of total dependency on God

If I had five(5) minutes with my younger self, I would tell him to be aware of people’s feelings and how to treat them right.

Other things I do apart from Music

photography business

Apart from being an engineer and musician, I run other businesses. I have a photography studio and a live recording studio.

Advice to youths/Final words

Be serious with God as a Christian youth. Hold on to the promises of God and develop yourself. Don’t be in a rush to come out, spend time in preparation. In whatever you do, lift the name of Jesus and nations will call. Develop a relationship with God and He will teach you His ways.

Also, Know God. Make sure you understand His heart before representing Him. Don’t be in a hurry to represent who you don’t know because you might end up misrepresenting Him.

Be focus, refuse to be distracted by fame and money. Don’t be a lazy youth, work hard to achieve your goals.

“He loved Jesus, he never stopped talking about him. He was a family man and did a lot for the kingdom” this the legacy I hope to live


About Author

Lover of Christ, Faith blogger, and admin of mickeygblogs.

(1) Comment

  1. Meshack Ishaya says:

    ‘I knew my gifting but I did not know my calling’
    More blessings Minister Arnold Fofanah.

    More wisdom, skills and divine

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