My journal


a man expressing gratitude

Gratitude, according to the dictionary is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Also, being grateful is to show deep appreciation to someone for an act of kindness rendered to you (especially the ones you don’t deserve or merit.

Honestly, We can’t repay God for all He has done. However, the least we can do is to express our gratitude to Him both in words and in deeds.

Why Practise Gratitude

It's good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the mourning and Your faithfulness every night
Psalms 92:1-2
why practice gratitude

The year is slowly coming to an end and despite all the challenges, the highs and lows, you are still here.
Look at you pressing on, moving past your obstacles and fears and making an impact. This is enough reason to be grateful to God. Below are more reasons to practise gratitude:

1.It glorifies God:

It gives God so much joy when we express our gratitude to Him. Who won’t love to be appreciated for all they do? Everyone deserves to be appreciated including God.

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.

Psalm 105:1

2.It helps you see God in every situation:

When the going gets rough and all hope is gone, look back and see how far God has brought you. If He could then surely, He can now!

give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

3.Brings contentment and guard against envy:

when you are busy thanking God, you won’t have time to look at someone else’s stuff

4.It deepens your faith

The more you thank God in various situations, the more He reveals Himself to you and this deepens your faith.

5.Brings joy and defeat the lies of the enemy:

Nothing scares the devil, like a young person choosing to praise God in the midst of the storm. When you daily remind yourself of how good God is and all He has done and still doing in your life, the devil has no choice but to flee.



How To Practise Gratitude

  1. Try remembering the blessings, answered prayers and all God has done for you
  2. Write them down, practice journaling (Free gratitude journal available in our resource library)
  3. Testify,let the whole world know that your God is good, tell them how Jesus keeps blessing you 🎉
  4. And if you feel you won’t be able to pause and reflect, ask for Grace to be grateful 😃
A thanksgiving journal
A gratitude journal to help you write down the things you are grateful for


7 Things Everyone Reading This Should be Grateful for:

We have a lot of things to be thankful for but below are 7 things I strongly believe we all should be grateful for:

  • 1.Salvation
  • 2.Good health
  • 3.A loving and supportive family
  • 4.Good and honest friends
  • 5. Academic/career/business success
  • 6.Strength
  • 7. Peace of mind

What are you grateful for?

For me…..

  • I am grateful for the gift of life and salvation(Ephesians 2:8)
  • For all spiritual blessings given to me in the heavenly places( Ephesians 1;3)
  • I am grateful for family(my mum,my brothers,uncles and aunties) and good friends who are honest
  • Thank God for health,strength,safety,security,and protection.
  • Grateful that I grew up in an environment where the people around me all help shaped my life one way or the other
  • I am grateful for a place of worship,where I am being taught and groomed in the ways of the Lord
  • I can go on and one about His works because I am grateful

This song just expresses my thoughts

Grateful by Hezekiah walker

What are you grateful to God for? kindly share in the comment section

About Author

Lover of Christ, Faith blogger, and admin of mickeygblogs.

(2) Comments

  1. Samuel Henaku says:

    Am greatful to God for Inspiring you With this great word ,which is a blessing for this great generation .

    1. admin says:

      glory to God

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