“We are going to drown” cried one of the men on board.
“How come it’s raining today of all days? and where is this storm coming from?” the sailor kept asking himself these questions.
” We are going to drown sir” this was the cry of all the men who were on board. With such a great storm that was getting worst, it’s obvious that they are going to drown. These men have done everything within their power to stay afloat but their effort was futile. As they struggled to keep the situation under control,one of them asked

“Where is the captain?
They were on board with the captain but all of a sudden he’s not at sight.
“I will go look for Him” said the sailor. Upon getting to His office he found Him sleeping . Surprised,he wondered how anyone could sleep in such a situation.
“Master! Master! we are going to die,we are sinking!”
The captain of the ship, who was asleep, arose and went to meet the other men. He looked at the raging storm and with an outstretched hand, he spoke and rebuked the storm. Alas! all was calmed. The men on board marveled and asked among themselves “who could this man be that even the waves obey him?”

All is smooth and calm when you on your own,living life the way you please, and walking in the flesh. However, the moment you make the intentional decision to follow Jesus,to live life according to his word,to walk in the spirit,to enter in the boat with him and follow him to the other side, that”s when a tempest will rise. This tempest is referred to as a STORM. This storm comes in various shapes and sizes. It exists in different forms. This storm could be in the form of sickness, fear,worry,pain, financial difficulties etc. These storms will disturb your peace and make you terrified.
Sometimes this storm will blind our eyes and we might forget that the captain is in the ship with us.
According to Matthew 8;23
These men who were onboard were disciples of the Captain. They had cruised with Him before. They saw Him perform Miracles but somehow at that moment and time they just couldn’t get the revelation. What they didn’t know was that their captain was both a miracle worker and a storm calmer. This made them marvel when he calmed the storm.
Because they didn’t get this revelation, they tried to fix things on their own. when they have done all that was needed to be done and the storm was still raging, they knew they would drown. That’s when they remembered the captain was on board too and he won’t watch them die. They cried out to Him and he stepped into the situation and all was peace.
There faith was little simply because they had little knowledge. Pastor Meshack of the All Christian Fellowship Northern Cyprus once said that faith is built via knowledge. The more you know the more conviction you have.
Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Through God’s word we have the faith that we have the captain in our ships and no matter the storms we face we won’t sink. We know that our captain is not only a miracle worker but one who also has the power to calm storms.

Dear Father, may the eyes of my understanding be enlightened that I may get the revelation of you as my storm calmer. That I won’t just limit you to the miracle worker. So when the devil comes like a rushing wind and attacks me with different storms of life, I won’t be moved because I know that with my captain in the ship I will smile at the storm. This I ask in Jesus’ Name…Amen
Way maker by Sinach
Pictures used in my articles are not mine,got them from the internet!!!
Wow…. this is awesome mickey😚😚. Thanks for this great piece, more grace dear.
All glory to God…
Thank you!!
So so true ancient words 👌 with Jesus in the boat ⛵️ we will smile at the storm ⛈
Yes we will!
Thank you!
My God, Mickey this is absolutely inspiring for me and surely I was blessed
More grace & revelation dear, God bless you for putting his word out here. He’ll never leave nor forsake you even in the midst of your tempest.
Amen and Amen
Glad it ministered to you.
This is awesome sis more anointing, you are really blessing lives 🙌🏽🔥❤️
This is awesome sis more anointing, you are really blessing lives 🙌🏽🔥 so proud of you 🔥
All glory to God
Thank you for reading!!
Glory🙌🙌…i’m inspired,thanks Mickey and more grace to your ministry🙏