Their Story


Miss lily’s story

“I was to attend a very important event but there was a problem. I just couldn’t find an outfit that’s suitable. I searched and searched the market but still couldn’t see the one I wanted. The ones available were too revealing and showing parts that ought to be covered. That day marked the beginning of Revamp Collection. I made the decision to bring modest clothes close to people. I really want to be in the fashion industry and promote morality”

Meet the CEO of Revamp Collection Oluwatosin Lily. The third born out of four children. Lily is a woman after God’s own heart. She’s a graduate from the European University of Lefke with a bachelor’s degree in Health Management. She’s currently pursuing her Masters’ degree in Environmental Science. Her passion for the things of God is contagious. You can’t be with Lily and not desire the things of God. She’s a great writer and editor. She’s also a drama minister with a special grace to play any role. This Lily we know now didn’t happen by accident. It took years of grooming and pruning and the process still continues. But who exactly is she? How on earth is she able to be all those things? Well, I am just a writer, I can’t possibly answer those questions, can I? No, but she can….

Life growing up

“I am from Nigeria, West Africa. I attended Goodness of God foundation school then moved to St Loius girls grammar school for my secondary education. I started University at Obafemi Awolowo University, I was in my third year studying Agricultural science when I moved down to Cyprus. To be honest I was very stubborn growing up. For a girl, my level of stubbornness was something else. My parents on the other hand were doing their best to bring me upright but I didn’t understand so I felt unloved. At one point I wanted to run away from home. Looking back I would say I was childish in my thinking but God just knows how to handle even the most stubborn of us.”


“As a family, one of our biggest challenges was spiritual attacks. It was so visible and obvious. At one point I thought my mum was going to die. It was that serious! It didn’t just stop at my mum, my elder brother and dad too were attacked. I can vividly remember this incident where my dad was almost close to death. He also thought he was going to die so he was giving us instruction concerning his funeral. Those days I was just coming up so I didn’t understand what was going on. I was always worried and afraid but as I grew into Christ, I gained a better understanding of the things and now I can boldly stand in the gap for them.”

The Pruning process

“Have you ever felt misunderstood? That feeling is awful and the sad part is no matter how you try to explain, people won’t get it. You know within yourself that you not okay but those around you think otherwise. That was me in secondary school. I was still going to school, passing my exams but something in me was not just right. I even had suicidal thoughts. How I passed my exams and gained admission into the university was a miracle because I know that I wasn’t studying the way I ought to study. Before getting into university in 2013, I met a mentor who helped shaped my life. He made me understand what it meant to have a purpose. I got to university, joined a fellowship, and got baptized. After my baptism, something strange began to happen. I kept hearing this voice “ Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me” This was strange and scary. I almost ran mad. I was literally running away from the voice and it affected me. By the time the first semester ended, I failed all my courses. This was the first of its kind! I even rewrote those papers and still failed. I couldn’t show the results to my dad, it was that bad! I had to reach rock bottom before I could fully surrender. The pruning process was uncomfortable but God worked on me and from the moment I fully surrendered things got better. In 2015 I arrived in Cyprus then expectation and reality set in. It wasn’t easy and I faced alot of challenges.The only thing that kept me was the faith I had. I knew my steps were ordered by God so I pressed on. From the first person I met, to the jobs I got, to the favor shown me, to me graduating with High Honours,to where I am today ,all was planned by God for my own good.”

“Don’t fight the process, allow God to prune you. It’s for your own good”

EUL’S Graduation ceremony 2019

” Being spiritual is good but get a vision too and work on it. Be intentional about your growth and  cultivate your potentials”

My Writing Career

These books will soon be available on this blog site for FREE DOWNLOAD.#ANTICIPATE😊

“I love reading and most importantly I love stories. As early as 11 I started writing. I would write short stories for myself base on romance novels I had read. I was addicted to these books for four years. God had to deliver me from them by force. It was years later that I made the decision to write for God. At first, I was in doubt because I felt God didn’t have an audience, people don’t read Christian novels. Nevertheless, I placed my desires before him with all sincerity and he took over. I also read books that changed my mindset and from there I made the strong decision to write. I don’t just want to write for myself, I want my books to minister to people, to help change lives and lead people to Christ. I still write short stories but it’s no longer for myself. I have published Two E-books, Johnny and death on the run. We were at cell meeting one evening and the scripture we were discussing was from Philippians 3. As I was reading I got stuck on verses 4-6 and I heard God speak saying “My children throw away their passion for sin after conversion whereas they are meant to transfer that passion into my work and do away with the sin” That was how I got the inspiration for JOHNNY. My other book “DEATH ON THE RUN” was also inspired by the Holy Spirit. I was at terminal one afternoon, as I sat down observing some old men smoke and drinking coffee, then I saw a child. This small child came and sat with these men and a scene flashed before me. What would make this old man want to kill this small child? That was the question I asked myself and the answer to that question gave birth to Death On The Run” of course the writing process wasn’t easy but with His help I was able to finish the books”

Revamp Collection

Email@ [email protected]

“Like I mentioned earlier, I went shopping for an outfit but couldn’t find any. So my experience gave me the desire to start something. Prior to that, I had written down some business plans but it was a long term goal. After my experience (that was in 2019) I wanted to start but I didn’t have the capitals. I remembered telling Mr. Ope and he was like “ you can start anything, you don’t need huge amounts to start” then he gave us some ideas and strategies. We worked on it and today we are here. It’s grace!!

” You don’t have to hold a mic and stand on a pulpit to be a minister of God. You can minister through business, create funds that can help the Kingdom work. You can minister with your gifts, be it writing, singing, etc”     

One thing I have learned is the importance of honesty in business. You might not get a crowd but the few people who patronize you will always come back because you are reliable”

People who have impacted my life

  • My parents for bringing me up and giving me a firm foundation
  • My mentor, Evangelist Newman G. Oladimeji for helping in shaping my life
  • Friends and other family members who showed interest in my growth
  • Miss Julie who was like a mother to me in Cyprus
  • The whole ACF family who one way or the other has impacted my life

Final Words

“If you’re struggling within yourself and feel empty, draw closer to God. That could be a way of Him trying to get your attention. Know Him personally. Sometimes the information you get about God from others can hinder you from getting personal. Get to know him for yourself. Also no matter the challenges, fix your eyes on Jesus. If He could walk this earth and come out successfully, you can do the same too

Life resolves around God, it’s important to understand this fact”

About Author

Lover of Christ, Faith blogger, and admin of mickeygblogs.

(3) Comments

  1. Meshack Ishaya says:

    Thanks for sharing Miss Oluwatosin CEO Revamp collections, more blessings your business and writing.
    Great work mickeygblog, more wisdom and skills.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you sir for reading

  2. Grace Araba Amonoo says:

    This is so inspiring
    Wonderful work done
    Keep it up Ma’am
    More grace and empowerment😍

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